Tag Archives: William_Weedon

Lutherans are *not* boring: why Lutheran Pastor William Weedon did not become Eastern Orthodox

There are few men I respect as much as Pastor William Weedon.  The man is knowledgeable, passionate, and kind to a fault.  Not to embarrass Pastor Weedon too much, but when I talk about sanctification and holiness, his name comes to mind (and another Lutheran saint in particular, Pastor Kurt Marquart).

In a recent post by Anthony Sacramone of the Strange Herring blog, he spoke of how Lutherans are boring, and I gladly linked to that post.  Now, I found on his blog the two videos in this post featuring Pastor Weedon.  It them, he is talking with a group of Lutheran pastors about how and why he almost left Confessional Lutheranism for Eastern Orthodoxy, and this is not boring in the least.

If you are curious about this topic, you’ll want to give this talk a listen.  If you are not that curious, you may also want to give it a try.  Pastor Weedon is a very easy man to listen to – and I must say, a very fine apologist for Lutheranism.

He talks about “waking up from an enchantment – a beautiful dream – that wasn’t real”.*  What does this mean?  Check it out.  If you don’t have time for both parts – and I strongly recommend both parts – part 1 can certainly stand alone.


*You’ll also hear an interesting line about venerating the icons of the fathers vs. actually reading what they wrote.


Posted by on February 10, 2014 in Uncategorized


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