Monthly Archives: October 2019

The Violent Ones Raid the Reformation by Force (sermon text and video)

Cajetan vs Luther from the 2003 Luther movie: “You are building a new church!”


“12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence,[a] and violent people have been raiding it.” – Matthew 11



Who are these violent people?[i]

We’ll get to that in a few minutes, but first, let me ask you the following…


What are some of the most important things in life we could know?[ii]

How about:

  • Who am I?
  • Whose am I?
  • Who is God?
  • What am I called to do?
  • What is His will?

And, most critical of all:

  • Where do I, right now, in this present moment, stand before God? Am I right with Him?

The Scriptures say that “Now is the day of salvation”.

[Questioning] Where am I in relation to that?

I’ll tell you this much: the violent ones are those who really don’t want you thinking too hard about such a question.

Or thinking, for that matter: “I wonder how much the Bible can help me with an answer?…”


And yet, questions like those are the questions.

That last question about where we are with God is the question.

We, and those we love, will die – and then face judgment.

Even though death is not the way things were originally meant to be… we should now always plan with death in mind.

Its not bad advice to….

  • Go to a lot of funerals!
  • Make big decisions in cemeteries!
  • Picture eternity as a line, stretching across this sanctuary and far beyond… your life being a mere dot on that line.

Uggggh, right?

Why is there this death? Death, frankly, is awful.

It’s because of sin!

Because we are sinners.

How often have you tested yourselves against the Ten Commandments?!

For when this is done seriously and thoughtfully, we will indeed realize that things are quite, quite bad:

It’s not that we are sinners because we sin, but we sin because we are sinners.

  • A polluted fountain!
  • A spiritual disease like leprosy or AIDS!
  • Utterly turned in on ourselves!
  • Little gods in our own minds, proudly strutting through the world…

Even the Apostle Paul, as a Christian, cried out: “Wretched man I am! Who will save me from this body of death?”

There is still a deep rot within us… even as Christians we most certainly do not fear, love, and trust in our God as we should… we rather, inevitably so, follow in the train of our first parents, Adam and Eve.

The evidence that you are a sinner is your death.

And how do we deal with this reality?


I’ll tell you again, the violent ones cannot help you, me…

Who are they?

These violent ones who seize and plunder the Kingdom of God?

It is not those who trust in God. Those, who “by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality…”

No – such ones do as they do because God has seized them.

He has saved them, raiding hearts and turning them to Him though the sharing of His Word….

The book of Mark gives us a wonderful picture of this, putting the *focus* on the seed…

that is the Word of God and His work through it:

[Jesus] said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how…[iii]

And in Matthew we read: “A farmer went out to sow his seed…. [some] seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear…”

So, again, who are the violent ones? (I’ve been building up to this a while, haven’t I?)

Again, the violent ones, are not the “sons of God,” created through His Word. They are not the peacemakers, the meek, the “poor in spirit”.

On the contrary, the violent ones are the angels who fell – Satan and his demons… and also those who follow, perhaps even unknowingly, in his train.

They are all the deceivers and the deceived who fight the Word!


Folks, this is why we sing:

Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word;
Curb those who by deceit or sword
Would wrest the kingdom from your Son
And bring to nought all he has done.

It’s a war out there… Well, even in here…

As the Scriptures reveal to us, the violent ones include all of the false Christians, Israelites, and Gentiles who are actually Satan’s “sons”.

Whether they intend to or not, these are the ones, who by their lives, will lead the “sons of the Kingdom” astray through various means…

… and cause them to lose their faith… (Kingsbury)

The Evil One, we are told, begin all of this by sowing confusion in the Garden of Eden!

…and he hasn’t stopped.

In Matthew 13:19, we are told that it is he who steals the seed… the Word of the Kingdom from the heart of the one who has not heard it with understanding.

And in Matthew 13:38-39 we are told how the devil actually raises up “sons of the Evil One” in the world.

He plants them.

And leading up to this revelation in the text, Jesus tells us that since the Enemy has planted weeds among the wheat, the weeds can’t be pulled up without uprooting the wheat….[iv]

So, again, the violent ones have been identified.

It is Satan – and those he “plants” among God’s people to thwart God’s will.

There will be no pure church on earth….

Again, these are the ones, even within the church, who resist God’s kingdom…. These are the ones who snatch, seize, rob, steal, “plunder” or raid it.

Their God is their own belly. The fact of the matter is that the violent only respect overt displays of power – [sarcastic:] only for good, of course!

This being the only “language” they understand, they first and foremost do violence to the Scriptures.

They do violence to the simple and humble words of truth and love spoken by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.[v]


What does this mean for us practically? It means the battle is for the prominence the Word of God has in your lives.

And Satan not only snatches that seed and plants his own in your midst, but again, he’d also you rather not ask certain questions:

  • Whose am I?
  • What am I called to do?
  • Where do I, right now, in this present moment, stand before God? Am I right with God?

Again, those questions are good questions. Very good questions.

Questions that never change… and that have answers that really don’t change either…


And yet, today many are given the impression that we live in an age where the only constant is change –some have called it “postmodernity” and others “liquid modernity” [vi]

—where they believe the Bible is easier to discount and ignore…[vii]

That said, the power of the world’s ways, the “Spirit of the Age” or the “Zeitgeist,” has been upon us from the beginning—even if not in its contemporary form

—and we shouldn’t think for a minute that people haven’t always been finding creative ways to discount and ignore God’s voice…

Take this morning’s passage, for example!

It indicates that many even in Jesus’ day did not particularly like His answers to these questions.

Rather they wanted their own answers to these questions. Answers they like.

They wanted their answers as if from a buffet line, picking and choosing what they find pleasing or amenable.

And this means they can’t listen to Jesus…


For some, we can hear what Jesus says and stick around… even wrestle with Him!… and still find some rest for our souls…

Like it says at the end of this chapter in Matthew: the things of the Kingdom have been hidden from the “wise and learned” and revealed to His little, believing children.

Then, He goes on to say, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”[viii]

Still, some aren’t feeling so blessed.

Instead, these will endeavor to put Jesus in His proper place…

Dance when we play the flute!

Mourn when we sing this dirge!


And then they glance over at us:

“You too, ‘orthodox’ Christian – get a move on. Sing to our tune….”


Now, on this Reformation Sunday, we are ready to speak a little bit about how this text relates…

What was the Reformation? Who was this Martin Luther?

Was this friar who lived some 500 years ago a heretic who thoughtlessly tore the church apart?

Or… was he, and the Reformation he sparked, the worst nightmare of the violent ones?

One thing is for sure: Martin Luther feared God. His law was deathly serious.

When hearing this morning’s Revelation passage, he would have focused on the part that spoke about the “hour of judgement” – and been terrified…[ix]

The leadership of the church in his day, however, did not understand him or his experience.


Well, we note that even in our Gospel reading, it was, sadly, the very leadership of the church who rejected the teaching of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.

After all, they were evidently fine with John, the embodiment of the law of God, being thrown in prison by Herod for preaching God’s law to him.

Why did they reject John, the embodiment of God’s law?

Not primarily because his peculiar kind of holy life got people’s attention… and made them realize their own lack of holiness – which it certainly did – but primarily because he, like the Old Testament, the Torah, the Book of the Law… prepared the way for the Christ, and pointed to Him.

Just as was prophesied, the Elijah preceding the Messiah had come!

…and they did not want him.

Jesus, of course, while also living according to God’s law, came to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom… He came to accomplish the truth of what had been prophesied. (Hillary)[x]

And He too, like John, confronted the unbelief and corruption found among God’s people…

Truth could not be so effectively suppressed when He was around…

So they also subjected Jesus, the embodiment of the Gospel, to persecution.

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’

Why would they do this?

The answer is because, from the perspective of the world and the violent ones, any Jesus you can imagine is better than the One the Scriptures reveal.

After all, the God they worship also has standards as well!

…and they, evidently, feel that they fill the bill….


At the close of the Gospel reading, we hear: “Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.”

Again, all throughout the Gospels, Jesus is attacked by the leadership of God’s church, His assembly.

Those who, as he said, “sit in Moses’ seat….”

Why attacked? Because he called not their positions, but their exercise of their positions, into question.

He dared to challenge them.

And we see He is justified by His deeds… His deeds attempting to reform… at least those with ears to hear.

And a similar case, I submit, can be made for Martin Luther. A pastor and even university professor in God’s church, he spoke out about how they were getting God’s law wrong:

  • They were daring to add to God’s commandments!
  • They were tying heavy burdens on the people’s backs!
  • They were implying that money—given in the right spirit of course—could free family and friends from God’s punishment!
  • They were saying that a Christian could, in their lives, do even more than God required!
  • And then, that merit, just like a surplus bank account, could be shared with others!

The train, frankly, had gone off the tracks. We see this even more in how they had gotten the Gospel wrong:

  • The cup of Christ’s blood was not for the laity, but only the priests.
  • The act of becoming a monk was considered equal to Christian baptism.
  • It was the work of the priest that was a contributory factor in the people’s salvation.
  • And a Christian could not—despite what Luther’s own priest had told him—be certain of God’s salvation by being absolved of their sins

That last one is where the crap hit the fan as we might say today.

And rightly so.

The Bible talks about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us peace with God… and that the Christian can know, really know, that He has eternal life.

As Luther put it: we have “the joyous exchange [at the cross], in which the holy Christ unites himself to the sinful creature and thus eradicates our sin by making it his own and replacing it in us with his own righteousness…”

When Luther said things like this, his opponents attacked him with words like this:

“[Does he not make the soul] a prostitute and an adulteress, who knowingly and wittingly connives to deceive her husband [Christ] and, daily committing fornication upon fornication and adultery upon adultery, makes the most chaste of men a pimp?  As if Christ does not take the trouble… to choose…. a pure and honorable lover!…”[xi]

Strawman argument though this may have been, Luther certainly knew he was a sinner.

He was convinced that he was rotten to the core…

that because of his sin he was going to hell…

and that God hated him…

But he found great comfort from his priest, his “father confessor,” John Staupitz…

Staupitz told him to flee to Christ.

To see that Christ showed Him the true face of the Father.

The father’s heart to Him.

Maybe you saw the 2003 Luther movie, where Staupitz has Luther grasp a crucifix, and tells him to repeat the Psalm:

“I am yours. Save me.”

“I am yours. Save me.”




The Roman Catholic Cardinal Cajetan, on the other hand, prosecuted Luther

…and told him that with his understanding of confession and absolution Luther was building a new church.

Luther responded by saying he would not become a heretic by recanting the view that had made him a Christian…

He would rather die and be burned, exiled, or cursed.

The die was cast!

This communication – the living voice of God which proclaimed, “I forgive you – be at peace my child” – was not, is not, to be silenced.

For the “violent ones” shall have no ultimate power over us.

As Luther put it, versus his opponents: “Sinners are ‘attractive’ because they are loved;

they are not loved because they are ‘attractive’” (Heidelberg Disputation, 1518 [post 95 theses])….

Carry on, Lutheran.

Carry on, Christian.



[i] Some more recent commentators have suggested that this passage describes the way that Christians come into the Kingdom.

On the contrary, the context of the passage suggests the opposite. They are rather those who do violence to the word of God, and defy His Kingdom in a variety of contexts and ways. h

[ii] Some modern philosophers might suggest questions like the following:

  • Do I exist?
  • Do other persons really exist?
  • Does God exist?
  • Is my ability to choose black or white socks this morning really my free will or just an illusion?
  • Is the bioelectric power of human beings being harvested by artificial-intelligence-driven machines, while their inert bodies are being satisfied in the Matrix – and only taking the red pill will help us see this? : )

Really, though, none of these are the most pressing questions….

Perhaps some better, and more common questions, might be things like these:

  • Will I be a person who is respected? Honored?
  • Will I marry? Have kids?
  • Will I be successful in the work I do?
  • What about my vocation? My calling?
  • Do I see that what is highly valued by the world is often subordinate in God’s account?
  • When I die, will my family be taken care of?
  • Will I live a long life?

Some of these answers you can find out… surely others you can, with God’s leading, influence or even make happen… And some, of course, you can’t know.

And all of these things are not insignificant.

They are not, however, the most significant things. These are all, after all, only related to our time on earth, our temporal existence…

And they are most definitely not ultimate matters!

[iii] It continues: “All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”

[iv] The parable:

24 Jesus [said]: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

[v] They say: “Words, bread, wine, water… bah!”

The Word of God, on the other hand, is full of power and action, but at the same time most often operates in quietness, in humility, seemingly in weakness….

[vi] Where, as one recent commentator has pointed out (Rod Dreher), even seemingly rock-like things like the “infallible” Roman Catholic church melt into lava…

[vii]Whose am I? What is my purpose? Where do I, right now, in this present moment, stand before God? Am I right with God?

Again, those questions are good questions. Very good questions.

And they are in fact timeless questions. They are what we might all Trans-historical. Trans-cultural.

And there are also, in effect, timeless answers.

Timeless teachings.

The world however, always on the move—and always eager to cooperate with the violent ones—is always eager to evade and deny this.

And now, in the past 200-300 years can do it much more effectively.

You see, in the past, even nonbelievers had the idea that there was something very important about the past. That we could learn from tradition. That there was a Golden Age to be recaptured.

This is no longer the case.

Now, we leave it all behind!

All is only progress, all the time!

The things of this world, the words by which we have described them, and we ourselves – all evolves!

All of this seemingly makes things like the Bible easier to discount and ignore.

[viii] And like John the Baptist, who cannot be encouraged when we get Jesus’ answer about how we can know that He is the One we have been waiting for….the blind see… the deaf hear… Messianic prophecies fulfilled!

As Jesus goes on to put it: “Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me!”

And do you feel blessed that, just a few verses after our text for today, Jesus does not say to us, like He did to the cities of Chorazin and Bethsaida “it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you….”?

[ix] In the Revelation passage for this morning we read the following:

“Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

The Lutheran Reformers, noting that this passage from the book of Revelation mentioned the “eternal Gospel”, embraced this as a prophecy about Martin Luther himself that countered the teachings of the Roman Catholic church!

The young Martin Luther, however, would have likely seen that passage differently…

[x] Again, right before our Gospel reading today Jesus reveals to John’s disciples that He is indeed the chosen one:

The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy[b] are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”

[xi] From the Dominican inquisitor of Cologne, Jacob Hochstraten, summing up the “traditional Catholic teaching” on salvation. Fuller quote (from 1526):

“What else do those who boast of such a base spectacle do than make the soul… a prostitute and an adulteress, who knowingly and wittingly connives to deceive her husband [Christ] and, daily committing fornication upon fornication and adultery upon adultery, makes the most chaste of men a pimp?  As if Christ does not take the trouble… to choose…. a pure and honorable lover!  As if Christ requires from her only belief and trust and has no interest in her righteousness and her other virtues! As if a certain mingling of righteousness with iniquity and of Christ with Belial were possible!”. For citation see here:

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Posted by on October 27, 2019 in Uncategorized


Gradually Embracing Jack Kevorkian’s World?: Christians and Death by Dehydration

For the Culture of Death, euthanasia = ”deliverance.” This is a Satanic substitute of compassion, salvation.




My name is Nathan and I’m out to kill Jack Kevorkian’s World, aka the Culture of Death.

I spent a good amount of time on this post because there are very weighty things at stake. If you pay attention to the right places, you’ll see that the themes are now persistent, suffocatingly so.

Just last week.


Sometimes, it seems to me like one side came to play and the other didn’t.

The culture of death is like a very smart football offense: Bioethicists are like a football team known for its good “ground game,” that is, taking an “incremental approach,” while being ready to “quickly change tactics and go for the big play.” (Smith, Culture of Death, 190).


And really, it’s a bit personal for me. 

In fact, I wrote this longer post, supplemented by detailed footnotes at the end, largely to inform and inspire myself. And to give me a place to refer to when the gaslighting gets really bad.

I will admit that at this point my mind is pretty much made up. In sum, any argument about morals and ethics can’t not come from the conviction that killing innocent life is always wrong.

And so frankly, at this point, I mostly identify with those who are inclined to mock the Culture of Death.

“When dispatching a patient by lethal injection, would a doctor be obliged to sterilize the needle?”
— Canadian journalist Andrew Coyne (note: all such pictures, unless otherwise noted, found via CCS)


All that said, I hope that you might [nevertheless?] give me your ear about what is quick becoming the duty to die by dehydration — and why you should fight it.

Still, even before we dive into that, it needs to be made clear in no uncertain terms that culture of death increasingly gains influence and surrounds us.

Sometimes, it seems like nothing can stop it:

  • Up to 25% of assisted suicides fail, leading Derek Humphry to recommend death by bag (suffocation) in this instance and other medical professionals to recommend doctors be trained to kill more effectively when typical means fail. (Smith, Culture of Death, 135 [all numbered Smith references are to this book])

Diagram of a suicide bag shown; details sourced from the books Final Exit and The Peaceful Pill Handbook


  • Hollywood produces a film called You Don’t Know Jack, starring Al Pacino as the late “Dr. Death” Jack Kevorkian, and it either does not know Jack itself or hides the true motivations for his work, clearly revealed in his own writings.

Full of lies, but who cares?


  • Parents in Washington state who get a lawyer to fight the hospital that discontinues dialysis on their very premature baby are reported to child protective services, and accused of “physical abuse” and “physical neglect”. (Smith, 141)

And I suppose he was an abuser too?: “After feeling his son show signs of life, and hospital staff and officers acknowledging the signs of life, George Sr. surrendered peacefully.” – Father Mark Hodges, on this story.


  • “Futile care” isn’t refused because its “useless”, but because it does or may work (extending life) (Smith, 175)

“Life unworthy of life” lives on….


  • “Medical discrimination based on age or state of health and disability is promoted in the name of an alleged need for health care rationing in our most notable professional journals.” (Smith, 253)

Its like: “Et tu?”, “Et tu?”, “Et tu?”, etc.


  • The main thing driving the futile care theory (FCT) in the world of bioethics is utilitarian notions of “distributive justice” (vs. the “Hippocratic ethic”, Smith, 170) and the major rationale for this attempted policy change is cost-cutting and control. (Smith, 165-166)

Yes, Sarah, you are correct! (Smith, 168-169)


Dutch “doctor,” Bert Keizer, depicts “the love of frail and dying people” as “pointless, useless, ugly” and “grotesque” and those who want to care for them as “selfish, greedy, stupid, and unloving”. (Smith, 136, 137)

Bert Keizer: one man death panel…


“Sustainability [means t]he aim is to overcome the present assumption that health care should be tailored to individual needs…  a sustainable medicine can do no other than accept this unpleasant reality…” (Daniel Callahan, quoted in Smith, 170)

False Hopes: Why America’s Quest for Perfect Health is a Recipe for Failure…



Do we yawn? Or do we say “we must fight this! As for me and my house…”?

Leon kass: “Shallow are the souls who’ve forgotten to shudder.” (in Smith, 273)


I pray the latter. For as Wesley J. Smith, the author of the exceedingly sad but honest 2016 book Culture of Death, puts it,The lure of death is becoming like a black hole from which little light escapes.”

In such an environment, it only makes sense that the duty to die by dehydration increases daily for some who find themselves in particular circumstances.

“All life is not equal. That’s a difficult thing for liberals like me to talk about, lest we wind up looking like death-panel-loving, kill-your-grandma-and-your-precious-baby storm troopers.” – Mary Elizabeth Williams, in Smith, 261


In America, no one can legally do this against your will yet – though, strengthened by the short-sighted and ultimately selfish decisions of those who do willingly choose forms of assisted suicide – that kind of tyranny is undoubtedly coming.

If you don’t believe this, spend just a little bit of time reading or listening to men like Wesley J. Smith or speaking with groups such as the Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals, Western Service Worker Associations, or basically any group serving the disabled.

Third Riech lite?: “We ought to protect our families from the emotional and material burden of [genetically and congenitally] diseased individuals, and from the misery of their simply ‘existing’ (not living) in a nearby ‘warehouse’ or public institution.” – Joseph Fletcher (Smith, 272-273).


No, the pressure can come in many forms, including from those close to you: “Gee, Grandma, because we have to care for you, Timmy can’t go to college.” The price of love often taxes resources like time and money. “The financial force of gravity,” Wesley Smith points out, “is obvious” (Smith, 134).

So — maybe you’ve had an experience where this happened in your family or with a friend you know?: someone you loved was basically dehydrated to death, with or without their consent?


Perhaps you had been told by them…

  • I don’t want any machines at all to keep me alive.
  • You just need to let me go.
  • It’s my “right” to choose this. Its my “right” to die.
  • We all have to die sometime. And it’s really all about the soul, not the body.

Wasn’t on the radar until this crazy picture, thanks: A feeding tube can be conceptualized as a kind of “long spoon” that assists us in nourishing someone who may have difficulty swallowing. – Father Tad Pacholczyk


Or their doctors…

  • We don’t even let animals die such a horrible death! And you want to, for the sake of your arbitrary rules?
  • She’s not responsive. What you are seeing there is just a reflex at this point.
  • Any second opinions you get at this point will most likely tell you what I’ve told you…
  • Maybe what you want to do—prolong life—is standing in the way of God…
  • Don’t think for a minute this is murder. This is a “good death” (euthanasia)[i] “Mercy killing”!

Really now — don’t you know you do not have the right to demand care doctors do not believe should be rendered? As one put it: “Doctors have to maintain their professional integrity…they are not to be likened to plumbers…” (Smith, 163)

So then, maybe it is alright to dehydrate a person to death sometimes? Maybe the real question is not whether some lives are beyond saving but whether they are worth saving?

“Whether openly conveyed or subliminally imprinted upon us, the message for decades has increasingly been, ‘let them die,’ they are ‘better off dead,’ ‘let go,’ ‘kill them.’ The message may not be conveyed openly in those words, but that’s the message.” – Ron Panzer, in Stealth Euthanasia


No. Never. Don’t let yourself be lied to by those who ignore God or even have no regard for Him. Food and water cannot be considered medical treatment because all persons, regardless of who they might be or what their circumstances, always need these things.

The church of the Lord Jesus Christ has always been clear on this. And, any of those practicing medicine have quite a historical legacy as well, even if now, increasingly “wise,” they spit in its face.

Hippocrates’ Oath: “First, do no harm….”


And believe it or not—you’d never know it from the way doctors speak today!—American culture was also basically clear on this too, up until the 1980s that is,[ii] when the Reagan administration’s “Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research” suggested the contrary…

Announce you are going to kill yourself – and become a star and saint! “I love my family too much to make them carry the memories of my deterioration for the rest of their lives.” — Brittany Maynard


First, artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) became a “medical treatment”. And now, people are regularly dehydrated in all fifty states of the union. Not only this, but bioethicists increasingly argue that spoon-feeding should be removed from dementia patients who willingly eat but who before their dementia said they would not want life-sustaining treatment (Smith, Culture of Death, 2016, 62, 65, 85)

One might think we would just know that starving and dehydrating people to death is wrong!

The Emperor’s New Clothes… who sees the truth?


So, what happened? Well, no great discovery was made which ushered in this New Age. On the contrary, human beings have just become that much more individualistic, blind, callous, heartless, and selfish.

“Let me say this next part as clearly as I can. If you’re a politician who has ever voted against doctor-assisted suicide, or you would vote against it in the future, I hate your [f-word] guts and I would like you to die a long, horrible death. I would be happy to kill you personally and watch you bleed out.” – Dilbert creator, Scott Adams


Yes, I meant that. Original sin is bad, but we often go from bad to worse.

“When I first saw ‘Nancy,’ my dream was shattered. She was so ugly . . . I had a ghost birth. Her death does not bother me…” More.


The ways the most sophisticated among us deceive ourselves increases and our sin piles up, especially in a Westernized Enlightenment context eager to snuff out remaining Christian light.

Could a consensus be wrong?: “…There is a strong general consensus that withdrawal or withholding of treatment is a decision that allows the disease to progress on its natural course. It is not a decision to seek death and end life. Euthanasia actively seeks to end the patient’s life.”


So, who will call out the deception? Who will resist and demand things change? Who will say “Repent!”?

Who will demand that persons created in the image of God and bought with the blood of Jesus Christ be truly honored as they should be—even if that means by not having their own wishes honored?

“It is strange for me that Allied soldiers, like my father, fought in those countries to get rid of the Nazis, the biggest promoters of death as a response to so-called imperfection.” – Charlie Lewis (Dauchau experiment pictured)


I have been heartened by the clear and firm words found in the LC-MS document by John Pless “Mercy at Life’s End – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod” (p. 10-11):

Suffering is not to be confused with evil. Here Luther’s theology of the cross is helpful. Note Thesis 21 of the Heidelberg Disputation: “A theology of glory calls evil good and good evil. A theology of the cross calls the thing what it actually is.” Our vocation in serving those who suffer is to provide merciful care even when there is no cure. We are never to purposefully use death as a means to terminate suffering in the name of compassion. “The principle that governs Christian compassion, however, is not ‘minimize suffering.’ It is ‘maximize care.’ Were our goal only to minimize suffering, no doubt we could sometimes achieve it by eliminating sufferers. … Always care, never kill.” This guiding principle also is reflected in a statement produced by the Ramsey Colloquium, a group of Christian and Jewish theologians, philosophers, legal scholars and ethicists, in a 1991 document titled Always to Care, Never to Kill: A Declaration on Euthanasia. It says: “In relating to the sick, the suffering, the incompetent, the disabled, and the dying, we must learn again the wisdom that teaches us always to care, never to kill. Although it may sometimes appear to be an act of compassion, killing is never a means of caring.” (bold mine, for the very practical nitty-gritty stuff in this document, see especially pp. 12-15, looking carefully at the questions on page 15 [and see pages 20 and 21 as well for key questions]).


“The doctrine of creation, rather than supporting a strict principle of autonomy, would speak of a theology of dependence and interdependence, or better put in Lutheran terms, a theology of receptivity and vocation.’ – John Pless



At the same time, sadly, Dr. Pless’ convictions are not monolithic in a church body like the LC-MS either. And some, while speaking clearly to the issues in an academic context, would no doubt find a post like this one to be counter-productive.

In truth, I must confess that it is my impression that the Christians who understand this issue and this spiraling-out-of-all-control process the best today–and/or are the most concerned and cautious about it–come from the Roman Catholic communion.[iii]

Even less trusting than Wesley Smith….: “This issue of ‘brain death’ was invented to get beating hearts for transplantation. And there is no way that this can go on. It must get stopped.” – Dr. Paul Byrne


This is a communion, which, of course, also has a very strong reputation for being pro-life on the other end of life’s spectrum as well. Many of us know that it was Pope John Paul II who coined the term “the culture of death.”

As best I can tell, even those from the more liberal quarters of the Roman Catholic Church appear to be more anti-euthanasia than, for example, most all conservative Protestant Christians!

“I believe that today there is covert euthanasia…” – Pope Francis.


After all, they generally frame the main issue in such a way, that, on the face of it, their more conservative Roman Catholic counterparts can agree with them!

For example, the more liberal Daniel Sulmasy writes that “The Church has always taught that suicide and euthanasia are morally wrong. The Church, however, has never required that a person do everything medically possible to prolong life.”[iv]

That is true. It is possible, for example, that a person might be able to be weaned off a respirator and be able to breath on their own, but this will not always occur. Here, the Roman Catholic church, according to a long church tradition, has said that there are situations where it might make sense for individuals to decide (it should definitely be their choice, given they are able to make it) to no longer be kept alive indefinitely in such a state.[v]

“When Karen was removed from her respirator/ventilator in May 1976, she surprised many by continuing to breathe unaided. Karen Ann Quinlan’s parents never sought to have her feeding tube removed. ‘We never asked to have her die. We just asked to have her put back in a natural state so she could die in God’s time,’ Julia Quinlan said…” — in Wikipedia


At the same time, this is also where more liberal Catholics in the vein of Sulmasy might make the case that in particular situations there is “no moral difference between removing a respirator, antibiotics or artificial feeding.”[vi]

This seems like a convincing line of argument because if food and water can’t be considered medicine or treatment, but basic care, isn’t that also true about air (oxygen)?

There are in fact a number of reasons why this is not really an analogous situation.

Even if withdrawing feeding tubes seems to have won the day in the general culture, there is you and your house…


First of all, as with the Karen Ann Quinlan case in the 1970s, if you turn off a ventilator/respirator, you don’t know for a fact whether the person it is helping will not be able to continue to breathe or not. When you withhold food and water, you can be 100% assured that even the patient most determined to live will die. Here, it hard not to conclude that death is the aim, even if some are not fully conscious of this intention. As one man, writing in First Things, put it “if I decide not to treat because it seems a burden just to have the life this person has, then I am taking aim not at the burdensome treatment but at the life.”[vii]

An additional good is pursued through the administration of nourishment: human solidarity. — Germain Grisez


Second, Eugene Diamond, M.D. points out, providing food and water can’t be considered a medical procedure, since it is possible that—other than something like the initial insertion of a nasogastric tube—this act can be “performed by family members in a domestic environment.”

“Americans have grown numb to the idea that, when a loved one is suffering, it is incumbent upon those who surround him to pour out themselves in an unselfish way so that the person feels love, even in the midst of his anguish.” – Judie Brown


Third, when it comes to what human beings are designed to do, there is a big difference between how we breathe and how we eat and drink. According to the more liberal Roman Catholic ethicist John Collins Harvey, there are some incidents of comas—where cells have died in the cerebral cortex—where individuals “have no voluntary motor power,” and therefore “the physiological mode of death for such a patient is dehydration…” (“Sampling of Responses to the CDF Statement on Nutrition and Hydration”).

“The lure of death is becoming like a black hole from which little light escapes.” – Wesley J. Smith.


This is simply not true. Generally speaking, human beings always need to be able to breathe by themselves in order to function in this world. We can’t and don’t breath for other persons. It is not something that others need to help them with, or, for that matter, could, for any extended length of time. On the contrary, we often do feed one another, and this is nothing extraordinary.

In its earliest days, a human child can’t feed itself for up to a year.[viii] Many who have situations like cerebral palsy consistently need assistance when it comes to eating and drinking. And my mother-in-law, increasing in age and a form of dementia, needs much help being fed these days! Is feeding in these cases something optional (or “extraordinary”[ix] as some might say?)?

British hell, 2018: “…repeated and very credible reports based on the government’s own death certificates for NHS patients have shown that literally tens of thousands of patients have died of starvation and thirst in UK hospitals since 2000…”


“Wait,” some interject here. What if a person is having trouble swallowing though? Well, these days it is well-known that therapy can often be used to help many patients to manage this and improve (as neurologists and physical therapists work together).[x] And if that is failing there are other options.

Netherlands hell, circa 1993: Got anorexia, huh? I’ll help kill you. (1993, WGBH Boston, noted in Smith, 122)


The objections continue to come though, fast and furious. John Collins Harvey, for example, mentioned above, goes on to state that “the physiological mode death for [certain comatose] patient[s] is dehydration [because] they do not have the abilities to bring food and fluid to their mouth, nor, if such is put into the mouth, to chew and move it to the posterior part of the tongue nor to swallow it into the esophagus.”

Belgium hell: “In a morally sane society, the death doctors would lose their licenses and be tried for homicide. But Belgium no longer fits that description.” (125, Smith)


So, hearing this, persons might just feel compelled to ask, “What about these kinds of persons who can’t swallow and need some kind of tube feeding? Isn’t that optional? Something that goes beyond our normal obligation to take care of ours and other’s bodily lives?”[xi]

NCBC: “No one dies from unconsciousness.”


The question is “Why would we assume this?” “Unconsciousness,” the National Catholic Bioethics Center states, “is not a fatal disease. No one dies from unconsciousness.”

Even if, for example, the person has suffered the extremely rare situation of severe brain damage (“hard cases make bad law,” by the way) which causes their ability to interact with other people to be in doubt (at least for some – here, one thinks of the tragic case of Terry Schiavo, and the contrasting accounts of husband vs. family members)!

And even if a person is experiencing “post-coma unresponsiveness,” sometimes disparagingly called a “persistent vegetative state”[xii] (are you aware, by the way, of how several of these “vegetables” are really conscious to some degree[xiii] and even wake up?[xiv])!

Nothing to see here… move on…


Here, in spite of what more liberal Roman Catholics state[xv], the presumption should be for food and water.

Texas hell: “We had to literally stand outside the hospital and beg them not to kill our sister….St. Lukes Hospital managed to deprive her family and her of that which is most dear to us all…a proper goodbye…” (Smith, 162)


Forms of tube feeding were known even in the ancient world.[xvi] Furthermore, this is neither a technological nor financial impossibility for most any family in the Western world, much less an extended family.[xvii] With patient explanation, most all fears of tube feeding can be alleviated. And then, all in the family can pitch in and better learn what it means to love by suffering with one another.

Canada, hell: “…they said they wanted the bed. When we tried to protect him, they resorted to trickery and continually pressured us to permit them to do what they wanted: let him die. We were double-teamed, triple-teamed….” (Smith, 157)


It is one thing when a person stops eating because their body is shutting down, and death is imminent (this might be a “terminal illness” in its last stages, where one is, at that point in time, “irretrievably dying” – not just conditions which are “incurable” or “irreversible”[xviii]). Here, the appetite often diminishes and one is not desiring to cause death, but is rather merely recognizing one’s inability to hinder it.

California, highlighting Texas hell again: “…if that committee had possessed the legal power to make a unilateral decision, as such institutional boards do in Texas, I doubt I could have attained such a positive outcome for my client.” (Wesley Smith, 163)


More details in the last section. We need to see all the connections. All the implications.


Australia hell: All doctors must perform abortions or refer patent to those who will (Smith, 266).



In case it has not been made clear yet, dehydrating persons is wrong.

A lack of “total candor”: “words that function as honey to make the hemlock go down…” (see Smith, 219, 279). Just chalk it up to things evolving? (“Hemlock society” logo, before they changed their name to make it more palatable…)


I have read a great deal from persons in the medical field who have thought long and hard about this, and the only times when it might be necessary to remove feeding tubes is when:

  • The organs begin to shut down and stop working and are no longer able to process or assimilate the nourishment given.
  • When there are serious complications such as aspiration pneumonia or infections that are resulting from it.
  • Indeed, “in some rare cases, artificial nourishment and hydration may be excessively burdensome for the patient or may cause significant physical discomfort..”[xix]

Additionally, there is all kinds of compelling evidence that being dehydrated to death is absolutely horrific (see here, here, here, here, and here).[xx] This should hardly be surprising, given how much water is in our body and that none of us were created by God with dehydration in mind. Knowing this kind of thing would probably cause most of us to say “stop,” but for others, it just means that more aggressive steps to hasten death—using some kind of “hemlock,” for example—might be necessary.

Anthony Cole, speaking during the Alfie Evans (pictured) case: “’We simply do not accept the view that the dying do not experience thirst. Nor do we accept that mouth hygiene relieves thirst,’ wrote the chairman of the Medical Ethics Alliance…”


So, in sum, we don’t dehydrate or starve people and actively cause them to die, being a contributory cause of their death. And we also don’t, by the way, let people use sedation as an aid to killing (see page 2 here.) – instead of its rightful use which is to control pain.

We call that assisted suicide, or, yes, more directly, murder. Oh, and coveting a person’s organs, as many in the medical profession are now doing, doesn’t make you less guilty, but more so!

John Pless: “[the practice of organ donation has] a dark side that threatens to make of the human body a commodity that can be manipulated to the point of engineering death so that organs might be acquired for transplantation.”

Don’t do it yourself. Tell your family members not to do it. Don’t listen to the physicians who tell you its right. It’s wrong. Period.

Gerber’s popular new baby Lucas aside, an increasing amount of non-Hippocratic-Oath-practicing doctors also say it is good that 90% of folks like him are aborted…. You trust that judgment?


And if you still resist what is being argued here, think about this: Do we even think about the wider implications of what it is that is being done? Someone says that he would not want to live the rest of her life in bed… Should he have the right to make that choice?

“…some DCD [donation after circulatory death] prototcols unintentionally endanger the lives of depressed, disabled patients who may consider their organs of greater value to the world than their own lives.” (Smith, 194)

If so, why then, should we have any trouble with maimed soldiers committing suicide? Why should they have to live the rest of their lives like that if they don’t want to?

Things won’t be the same? Better off dead? Perhaps try learning from strong Allison Lapper, shown in this statue? Did you know there is a “disability paradox”?


Wesley J. Smith is right to tell us to fight:

  • Reform hospice!
  • Close the door to futile care theory!
  • Hold the line in dehydration cases!
  • Continue the struggle over abortion!
  • Prevent “medical martyrdom”! (where doctors can’t be Christians, take the Hippocratic Oath)
  • Beware the “New Eugenics”! (eschew the new “biological colonialism”)
  • Remember that words matter!
  • Learn from the disabled community!
  • Affirm the value of life! (Smith, 253-287)

Count the cost. Take the risks.

“For speaking out against ‘brain death,’ [Dr. Cicero Coimbra] has been ostracized by the medical community.”

Not everyone however, is in on this need to fight. So, when they say they are going to go ahead and dehydrate themselves, think now about what you are going to do next.

And be active, particularly if you would be one of the ones who will have or who will likely have “power of attorney” (where you are the one charged with carrying out the patient’s will, making the tough decisions). Ask them about this kind of thing now, before it happens and even before they fill out any advanced directives.

“We are so extremely disrespected that many people believe in an ideal world, disabled people wouldn’t exist.” – Diane Coleman, founder of Not Dead Yet (quoted by Wesley Smith, 195).


If your loved one persists in refusing aid and your help, how will you communicate to them how serious this matter is to you? I know all of this might seem insensitive to the “rights” people feel they have and, depending on the steps that you take in order to reach them (they might say: to control us!), even manipulative, cruel, and perhaps worst of all, coercive.[xxi]

“You insist on drawing a line somewhere? Fine. Enforcement though? Why, you must thank God you are not like other men!” …Even if you haven’t been called a Pharisee yet… give it time.


So be it. Fight.

Why not? After all, even if I am not sure what to think when I hear Julie Grimstad, contra Wesley J. Smith, say

“If the goal is to salvage healthy organs, haste is of the essence in determining brain death. Haste can lead to cutting corners and to errors… People who have been determined to be ‘brain dead’ using the most rigorous neurological criteria have awakened and recovered,”[xxii]

…I suspect she will have some important things I need to hear.

We all respect conviction.

Fight the scientific caste system. “Biological colonialism” and more…


And, when it comes to the things that we do know, we must act in truth and love. For there is not only life here on earth but in the world to come…

And do you really want to be a willing accomplice to murder?

Do you want to have to answer to God for that?

Are you really ready to make your case before Him about why you think everyone was justified in avoiding the suffering that He may have intended to use for good?

Right on this: “The error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act.” (CCC)


It is true that we don’t, or shouldn’t, hold God accountable when human beings willingly choose to do evil and He doesn’t stop them. We can’t know or judge His plans, after all. At the same time, we are not God. We are accountable.



Perhaps you have been involved in a situation like this, and you are sensing that you failed. Even if you were not the one charged with making the final decision, you sense that you need to repent about your unwillingness to at least warn others, and to make the truth known…

It is good to think about these matters for the sake of making things right now – what could you have done? What actions do you think you should have performed (involving certain consequences you may have even felt were necessary) in order to try to get through to them?

Know, above all, that there is forgiveness for all such sins in Jesus Christ.


None of this is easy. And again, as a Christian, you should be prepared to face a situation like this, for it might well sneak up on you unexpectedly.

Worth wrestling with: “[M]y right to protect my life from death is the central pillar of law and all ethical thought of a political nature…” — Leon Kass


No, you won’t have clarity in each and every situation. You can be clear, however, that there are simply times when you must not listen to some who have earned the label “expert.”

And this is where it helps to speak with many Hippocratic-oath-affirming doctors with different specialties can work together to find the best path forward.

And then, you and those you love can find joy and peace in patiently soldiering on with our Lord, who has called us to fight the good fight, even through suffering we would often rather avoid.

“It has been nearly twenty-five years since I left my home and career to take care of my ailing mother. I took care of her in the house she loved for seven months….If I had to do it over again, even knowing the problems I had, I absolutely would.” – Tom Lorzentzen (Smith 285-286)


In order to win us eternal life, we know our Lord Jesus Christ suffered on our behalf, and while through this He has taken all of our sins, He has not taken all of our own suffering away.[xxiii]


Our suffering, on the contrary, is deeply meaningful, and teaches us more about His work for us and in us.





[i] On the American Family Physician’s site we read this:

“Is withdrawal or withholding of treatment equivalent to euthanasia?

No. There is a strong general consensus that withdrawal or withholding of treatment is a decision that allows the disease to progress on its natural course. It is not a decision to seek death and end life. Euthanasia actively seeks to end the patient’s life.”

Often, what we see in writings on this stuff from the medical community is a denial of the obvious. Of course they have a vested interest in not appearing to deny the Hippocratic Oath.

[ii] Robert D. Orr, M.D., who as of 2004 was the Director of Ethics for Fletcher Allen Health Care and Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, acknowledges the following while writing against the general obligation to tube feed:It was recognized many years ago that respirators, dialysis machines, and other high-tech modes of treatment are optional. They could be used or not used depending on the circumstances. However, it was commonly accepted in the past that feeding tubes are generally not optional. Part of the reasoning was that feeding tubes are readily available, simple to use, not very burdensome to the patient, and not very expensive. They were “ordinary treatment” and thus morally obligatory.” (italics mine)

[iii] This was confirmed to me by a Lutheran greatly concerned about medical ethics: “Withdrawing feeding tubes seems to have won the day in the general culture…. Outside RC circles you don’t find many people today taking this position….”

[iv] The author goes on: “This tradition is very old. In the fourth century A.D., St. Basil the Great wrote in his Long Rules (Q. 55), ‘Whatever requires an undue amount of thought or trouble or involves a large expenditure of effort and causes our whole life to revolve, as it were, around solicitude for the flesh must be avoided by Christians….Therefore, whether we follow the precepts of the medical art or decline to have recourse to them…we should hold to our objective of pleasing God and see to it that the soul’s benefit is assured, fulfilling thus the Apostle’s precept: “Whether you eat or drink or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God”’” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

[v] Another example shared by Father Tad Pacholczyk: “We can consider an example that highlights these burdens: an 85 year old grandfather is placed on a ventilator after suffering several serious strokes that damaged his brain-stem so that he cannot breathe on his own. The physicians treating him are convinced that the damage from his most recent stroke will continue to get worse, with the nearly certain outcome that he will die in a few hours or days. Assuming that he is unconscious, and that other matters have been taken care of (last sacraments, opportunities for loved ones to say goodbye, etc.), the family could reasonably conclude that continued ventilation would be “extraordinary” and decide to have the ventilator disconnected, even though it would mean their grandfather would be expected to die in a matter of minutes without it. Such an act of withdrawing the ventilator would not be an act of euthanasia, because he would be dying due to the underlying condition. It would be a recognition of the burdensomeness of continued ventilation and an acknowledgement that heroics are not required, especially when death is imminent.

[vi] One might also hear this kind of thing as relates to the issue of kidney dialysis. This situation is analogous with the one pertaining to breathing and respirators, not eating and drinking. Fuller quote from above: “In the case of Karen Ann Quindlin, who had a ventilator removed, moralist Richard McCormick SJ, stated that, from the Catholic tradition, there was no moral difference between removing a respirator, antibiotics or artificial feeding from Karen Ann Quinlan. The ventilator was switched off.”

[vii] More context for that quote:

“Under what circumstances may we rightly refuse a life-prolonging treatment without supposing that, in making this decision, we are doing the forbidden deed of choosing or aiming at death?

The answer of our medical-moral tradition has been the following: we may refuse treatments that are either useless or excessively burdensome . In doing so, we choose not death, but one among several possible lives open to us. We do not choose to die, but, rather, how to live, even if while dying, even if a shorter life than some other lives that are still available for our choosing. What we take aim at then, what we refuse, is not life but treatment that is either useless for a particular patient or excessively burdensome for that patient. Especially for patients who are irretrievably into the dying process, almost all treatments will have become useless. In refusing them, one is not choosing death but choosing life without a now useless form of treatment. But even for patients who are not near death, who might live for a considerably longer time, excessively burdensome treatments may also be refused. Here again, one takes aim at the burdensome treatment, not at life. One person may choose a life that is longer but carries with it considerable burden of treatment. Another may choose a life that is shorter but carries with it less burden of treatment. Each, however, chooses life. Neither aims at death.

It is essential to emphasize that these criteria refer to treatments, not to lives. We may rightly reject a treatment that is useless. But if I decide not to treat because I think a person’s life is useless, then I am taking aim not at the treatment but at the life. Rather than asking, “What if anything can I do that will benefit the life this patient has?” I am asking, “Is it a benefit to have such a life?” If the latter is my question, and if I decide not to treat, it should be clear that it is the life at which I take aim. Likewise, we may reject a treatment on grounds of excessive burden. But if I decide not to treat because it seems a burden just to have the life this person has, then I am taking aim not at the burdensome treatment but at the life. Hence, in deciding whether it is appropriate and permissible to withhold or withdraw treatment, whether, even if life is thereby shortened, we are aiming only at the treatment and not at the life, we have to ask ourselves whether the treatment under consideration is, for this patient, either useless or excessively burdensome.”

[viii] Clearly, if you actively dehydrate your child, no court will say you didn’t “pull the trigger.”

[ix] In Roman Catholic teaching, the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary care is quite technical: “Catholic ethicists have attempted to delineate both objective and subjective criteria by which one is able to effectively distinguish between ordinary and extraordinary means in a given situation. Objective criteria focus on the medical effectiveness of an intervention in securing a particular clinical outcome, whereas subjective criteria focus on the patient’s own lived experience of the intervention. Elio Sgreccia specifies six subjective criteria—excessive effort, cost, pain, riskiness, low probability of success, and ‘the experience of tremendous fear or strong repugnance in relation to the application of the means’—and emphasizes ‘that it is necessary for the patient to be able to make this evaluation personally.’”

[x] Note: “The patient should receive food and water by mouth for as long as this is possible. Once tube feeding is initiated, it is difficult, and often impossible, for the swallowing mechanism to return. If swallowing is no longer possible, then the least invasive means of providing food and water should be used, so long as it will be of physiological benefit and will prevent the suffering or death of the patient.”

[xi] “Renaissance theologians worked to determine the physical or moral impossibility of a given treatment. They listed the unobtainability or the unusableness of a means, as well as the incompatibility of the patient’s clinical condition with use of that means, as causes of physical impossibility.

Determining the causes of moral impossibility was more complex. Several of the major causes identified included extreme toil (summus labor), excessive harshness of the means (media nimia dura), certain torment (quidam cruciatus), immense pain (ingens dolor), extraordinary burden (sumptus extraordinarius), great expense of the means (media pretiosa), rarity of the means (media exquisita), and, lastly, intense fear (vehemens horror).

We can therefore summarize the traditional teachings by stating that a medical means, as well as a means of preserving life, should be considered non-obligatory when, given the subject’s clinical situation, they do not offer a reasonable benefit and there are causes of moral or physical impossibility present. Stated the other way around, they are obligatory when their use is supported by a reasonable spes salutis (hope of benefit) and there are no causes of moral or physical impossibility present.”

Again, here is a more liberal Roman Catholic take on the world “extraordinary”: “Traditionally, this has been judged to be the case if the intervention is too expensive, not likely to work, is associated with great suffering or might save the patient’s life at too great a psychological, spiritual or interpersonal cost.”

[xii] On March 20, 2004, Pope John Paul II…addressed the issue of artificial hydration and nutrition in patients suffering from the neurological condition known as the “persistent vegetative state.” He said, “I feel an obligation to reaffirm vigorously that the intrinsic value and the personal dignity of every human being does not change no matter what the concrete situation of his life.” He later said that a human being “never becomes a ‘vegetable’ or an ‘animal.’

[xiii] Recent studies have confirmed that these patients are indeed conscious to some degree. When methods of communication are established, these patients can respond to simple commands. While it is always wrong to deprive others of food and water, the fact that someone is unable to give an outward sign of awareness does not necessarily mean that he or she is unable to experience pain.

[xiv] “Research in 2018 by the renowned American Academy of Neurology found that about four in 10 people who are thought to be unconscious are actually aware. They estimated the misdiagnosis rate is about 40 percent for people with severe brain injuries, including those diagnosed as persistent vegetative state (PVS), and noted that the misdiagnosis can lead to inappropriate treatment and poor outcomes.

A hopeful sign, approximately one in five people with severe brain injury from trauma will recover with proper treatment – many to the point that they can live at home and care for themselves without help, according to the academy.”

[xv] “Broadly speaking, the Catholic Church supports advance directives, provided these are executed in a way that is consistent with Church teachings. In fact, if a person, motivated by a charitable desire to relieve others of the burdens such care might impose, executes an advance directive that states that he or she would not want artificial hydration and nutrition if ever in a state of post-coma unresponsiveness, then even the most conservative of Catholic moralists would conclude that the treatment should not be given.” (italics mine)

This is most certainly not true!


[xvii] “Medically assisted nutrition and hydration become morally optional when they cannot reasonably be expected to prolong life or when they would be ‘excessively burdensome for the patient or [would] cause signifi­cant physical discomfort, for example resulting from complications in the use of the means employed.’”—USCCB, Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, 5th ed., n. 58.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith offered more clear guidance in the fall of 2007 on this issue: “[T]he artificial administration of water and food generally does not impose a heavy burden either on the patient or on his or her relatives. It does not involve excessive expense; it is within the capacity of an average health care system, does not of itself require hospitalization and is proportionate to accomplishing its purpose, which is to keep the patient from dying of starvation and dehydration. It is not, nor is it meant to be, a treatment that cures the patient but is rather ordinary care aimed at the preservation of life.

What may become a notable burden is when the “vegetative state” of a family member is prolonged over time. It is a burden like that of caring for a quadriplegic, someone with serious mental illness, with advanced Alzheimer’s disease and so on. Such persons need continuous assistance for months or even for years. But the principle formulated by Pius XII cannot, for obvious reasons, be interpreted as meaning that in such cases those patients, whose ordinary care imposes a real burden on their families, may licitly be left to take care of themselves and thus abandoned to die. This is not the sense in which Pius XII[, in 1957,] spoke of extraordinary means.”

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Responses to Certain Questions Concerning Artificial Nutrition and Hydration,” Origins 37:16 (September 27, 2007), 241-245

Again, the perspective of more liberal Roman Catholics (before the fall 2007 statement):

“Thinking about using feeding tubes in a rare condition such as post-coma unresponsiveness is very different from thinking about using feeding tubes in more common diseases such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. Tube feeding in these types of patients will often result in great burden, no net benefit and multiple complications.

In very many such cases, tube feeding will meet the criteria by which it could be considered extraordinary or morally optional. These diseases continue to progress and get worse—no matter what treatment is offered. Complications such as pneumonia are much more common when feeding tubes are used for such patients

Patients with dementia sometimes pull the tubes out and would need to be restrained in order to be fed. In fact, in these conditions it has even been difficult to show that the use of feeding tubes actually makes the patients live longer. Clearly, in many such cases, the burdens of treatment can be judged disproportionate with respect to the benefits, and the treatment could therefore be judged extraordinary or morally optional.”

[xviii] Athritis and disabilities like paraplegia and hearing impairment due to nerve damage are this but not “terminal”.

[xix] Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Responses to Certain Questions Concerning Artificial Nutrition and Hydration,” Origins 37:16 (September 27, 2007), 241-245

The larger context for this quote, which was written in regards to PVS (post-vegetative state) patients but applies more broadly, is here:

“When stating that the administration of food and water is morally obligatory in principle, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does not exclude the possibility that, in very remote places or in situations of extreme poverty, the artificial provision of food and water may be physically impossible, and then ad impossibilia nemo tenetur. However, the obligation to offer the minimal treatments that are available remains in place, as well as that of obtaining, if possible, the means necessary for an adequate support of life. Nor is the possibility excluded that, due to emerging complications, a patient may be unable to assimilate food and liquids, so that their provision becomes altogether useless. Finally, the possibility is not absolutely excluded that, in some rare cases, artificial nourishment and hydration may be excessively burdensome for the patient or may cause significant physical discomfort, for example resulting from complications in the use of the means employed.”

Father Tad Pacholczyk writes “In some instances, providing drips and nasogastric feeding tubes can interfere with the natural course of dehydration in a way that causes acute discomfort to the patient facing imminent death. Intravenous fluids also tend to increase respiratory secretions, making it more difficult for patients to catch their breath or causing them to cough. Extra fluids may result in a need to suction the patient’s lungs. Providing IV hydration can also cause a flare up of fluid accumulation in the abdomen and expand the edema layer around tumors, aggravating symptoms, particularly pain. The use of IV drips and feeding tubes will always have to be evaluated in terms of the totality of the patient’s condition, taking into account any undesirable effects, and the likelihood of benefit.”

As regards patients with advanced forms of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of advanced dementia, Punzo gives a summary of a recent debate in the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (2013): “Howland directly critiques Gummere for focusing his arguments on the nutritive benefits of ANH [artificial nutrition and hydration] and eliding the topic of hydration. Howland writes, “From a Catholic perspective, everyone is entitled to hydration, regardless of whether or not they are capable of experiencing thirst,” and concludes the penultimate section of his paper by asserting that “failure to provide hydration to a patient who is unable to eat or drink is euthanasia by omission.” Despite the apparent universality of these principled statements, Howland does allow that clinical realities need to be considered. Specifically, Howland concedes that, if insertion of the PEG tube does not lead to weight stability or gain, if a confused patients pulls the tube out, or if the patient is dying and unable to benefit from food and liquids, then “PEG tube feeding is not required.”

Michael Panicola offers his commentary on the context of the September 2007 statement from the Congregarion of the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), and how overly constricting, in his view, the statement is: “…in its accompanying commentary, the CDF indicates exceptions to this general rule may apply, namely: 1) where, “due to emerging complications, a patient may be unable to assimilate food and liquids, so that their provision becomes altogether useless”; or 2) where, “in some rare cases, artificial nourishment and hydration may be excessively burdensome for the patient or may cause significant physical discomfort” (emphasis added). Given that the CDF’s statement applies only to patients in a vegetative state, which is a relatively rare condition, the net effect on patient care within Catholic settings will be minimal.

However, situations will arise on occasion as to whether artificial nutrition and hydration should be continued for patients suffering from this condition. In some, perhaps many, of these situations, I believe the CDF’s statement will pose problems for Catholic facilities. The reason I say this is because patients in a vegetative state rarely meet the exceptional criteria that the CDF outlines for discontinuing artificial nutrition and hydration. Though such patients suffer from a severe brain injury, unlike other patient populations, they do not often fail to assimilate the artificial nourishment and hydration. Thus, exception one is out. The CDF does also allow for burdens to be a tilting factor in whether or not to continue artificial nutrition and hydration. But, it’s physical burdens to the patient caused by the means, not burdens understood in the traditional sense, which could include familial, communal, and social burdens as well. Most of the evidence to date suggests that patients in a vegetative state do not experience physical burdens in the proper sense. How can this exceptional circumstance ever be met then? In reality, it most often cannot, and the CDF states as much by including in its commentary the phrase “in some rare cases” prior to allowing for the burden exception. Thus, exception two is out as well. The problem for Catholic facilities is that most people do not want to receive artificial nutrition and hydration if they are permanently unconsciousness, and many who complete advance directives specify this in writing and/or tell their surrogate. They hold this view not because they think the artificial means will fail to provide nourishment and hydration or be too burdensome but because they see no benefit to using such a means if their overall condition cannot be improved. This is precisely what the CDF has eliminated by restricting the notion of benefit to prolonging life and by declaring that nutrition and hydration cannot be discontinued solely because the patient will never regain consciousness.”

[xx] Orr disagrees, and presumably knows of evidence I am unaware of (but would appreciate hearing more about): “’But that is no comfort! Being dehydrated and thirsty is miserable.’ Yes and no. Being thirsty is miserable, but becoming dehydrated need not be. The only place in the body where thirst is perceived is the mouth. There is good empirical evidence that as long as a person’s mouth is kept moist, that person is not uncomfortable, even if it is clear that his or her body is becoming progressively dehydrated.”

[xxi]  -If this has involved another relative, will you tell those making the decision for death that they will not be speaking to your children about what happened?

-Will you tell them that you will be making less of an effort to spend time with them in the near future? That you will be withdrawing from activities and events to some degree?

-Will you tell them that, unless there is a demonstrable change of heart, you will not fail to remind their remaining family and friends that what they did was wrong?

-Will you tell them that you do not want any inheritance they have for you?

[xxii] We are told to “…consider these facts:

  • A person can be pronounced “brain dead” while he or she has a normal pulse, blood pressure, color and temperature. All signs of life.
  • “Brain dead” people digest food.
  • “Brain dead” children grow.
  • “Brain dead” pregnant women have gestated and delivered healthy babies and produced milk.
  • “Brain dead” patients’ wounds heal.
  • During the excision of organs, the donor is sometimes given paralyzing drugs to control muscle spasms; the heart rate increases, and blood pressure shoots up. Dead people don’t move or react to pain in these ways.

The legal definition of brain death is “the irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem.” Yet “brain dead” patients display signs that their brains retain many essential functions. [2]

If a person who has been determined to be brain dead is truly dead, then our senses are deceiving us.”

Here, the Jahi McMath case comes to mind, covered by Smith. Wikipedia states: “After viewing over four dozen independent videos of McMath, Dr. Alan Shewmon, a UCLA pediatric neurologist, declared her technically alive in a June 29, 2017, court filing, stating that the girl follows movement commands and exhibits other proof of life. Children’s Hospital Oakland maintained that the original diagnosis of brain death was correct and that the videos do not meet the diagnostic criteria for brain death.”

Dr. Paul A. Byrne specifically argues that brain death is not death because things like ventilator-facilitated respiration keeps these folks alive: “after true death chest compressions or a ventilator can only move air…” To push back on this line of thinking, Wesley Smith note that the condition of “brain death” is only made possible because of the existence of medical technology like ventilators. Perhaps, in order to stave off concerns such as these, “brain death” should not be officially declared until the bodies of artificially-respirated patients actually begin to deteriorate, and no family should ever be forced to take their loved one off a respirator? (today, they almost certainly will be). This might mean less donated organs—which many of us would undoubtedly be grateful for if we were in need of them—but would also put many minds and consciences at ease.

For Wesley Smith’s part, he has some confidence in the findings of “the American Academy of Neurology,” who in 2010 stated “there have been ‘no published reports of recovery of neurologic function [in adults] after a diagnosis of brain death.’” (I note “in adults” is there because, I believe, their bodies no longer naturally grow, but reach a point where they may only be maintained.) “None,” Smith emphasizes (see Smith, 200-205 ; on page 205-206 he looks to refute  some of Byrne’s arguments, noting that he, for example, confuses “ventilation” [more a physical process related to the diaphragm] and “respiration” [more a physiological and neurological process]). Wesley Smith says the most compelling argument he heard is the following: “Imagine a person with their head cut off who is somehow kept from losing blood and whose circulatory system is intact. That is the functional equivalent of a true brain death. We can keep the body going for a time through medical technology, but would anyone really consider a headless but functioning body a living person?” (Smith, 207).

[xxiii] “This does not mean that life should be exhausted or prolonged with pointless suffering. There are significant and evident differences, however, between this, which is therapeutic stubbornness, and the withholding of assisted nutrition and hydration.”





















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Posted by on October 22, 2019 in Uncategorized


“David Raped”: a Sermon in Search of a Text?

Assuming a woman would want the King… How pre-2015! How naïve! How Evil!?



The other day I watched this video from Lutheran pastor and heresy-hunter Chris Rosebrough:


It’s about the big Bathsheba debate that blew up on Twitter recently. This might seem silly to some, but if that’s you, I’ll tell you that this is serious stuff and is taken very seriously by scholars these days. It’s not just Twitter.

Overall, I thought that the Pirate Christian had some very good things to say in his video, and I do believe I have been chastened in my lack of careful attention to parts of this parable. That said, after some further reflection, I do have some real critiques, which I hope are taken in a charitable spirit, as that is how I mean to give it…


First of all, for some, I note that it seems really, really important that this story must be about rape.

And like Pastor Rosebrough points out, it is being used by some to push for women pastors and like causes. Still, I am told that I must show respect…

I do want to learn. And I will indeed show respect towards this assertion by taking it seriously and trying to produce the best argument that I can against it. Again, I know that to some this might seem petty or like overkill, but I think some important principles and points are at stake here.

I begin the process with two assumptions:

First, if we are going to talk about “eisegesis,” this kind of thing—the current activism and agitation of #MeToo and beyond—can’t help but be in our wider picture.

Second, let me make one thing very clear from the outset: whether or not David raped Bathsheba is neither here nor there for me. I don’t know and I don’t think the text tells me. It doesn’t affect my faith in Christ at all.

I do think it is unlikely though.

And here then, is a third assumption: I think it is more likely that as is the case with some certain kinds of men, David could have had his pick, and that he’d have no need to resort to sexual assault.

Regardless of what he looked like, women clearly find kings unattractive, right?



My main concern about the video is that comparing this question about Bathsheba with the Brian Houston situation really seems out of line (see 23:40 in the video for this disturbing account).

Regarding the text though, Pastor Rosebrough, the Pirate Christian, is certainly correct.

It never talks about Bathsheba’s sin – of adultery, or being complicit in murder. Also, as he notes: the impression is given that she was devout, and of course she really did mourn the death of her husband!

Still, does this necessarily mean that she was “sexually assaulted” (see around 19:00 in the video)? And that if you deny this you are “victim-blaming”?


First, the fact that she was evidently doing a ritual washing (Lev 15:19,28) and also that she mourns her husband do not necessarily mean that David raped or sexually assaulted her. Again, we simply do not know how this played out (as Pastor Rosebrough hinted at earlier in his video, with his remark about “wining and dining” her).

Was she coerced? Coercion has traditionally been defined as “persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.” Again, if any threats were involved, explicit or implicit, we simply don’t know. The obvious presence of “soft power” alone does not necessarily make David a rapist[i] — unless one insists that one can never meaningfully give consent in such a situation – even in the event that one wanted to (see p. 89 here).

Yes? “Bathsheba’s response to David, “I am pregnant”…reveal her as the victim who seeks to hold her rapist responsible for his rape…”


In any case, while no one should assert that Bathsheba was “asking for it” or “glad to bed the King” much less should anyone assert that she was an “innocent lamb” (see p. 92 here). Instead, as a friend put it, “David became like the prototypical tyrant Gilgamesh(/Nimrod?) before him, devouring the sheep he was anointed to shepherd. David took the side of Ezekiel 34 opposite that which he was supposed to typify.”

The point is that he stole Uriah’s lamb. Whether or not he stole her heart too we can’t say.

“Uriah’s wife”: The only lamb that the man possessed, and it was dearly loved….



If the above points are valid ones to make though, why then does the text exclusively talk about David’s actions and how he was responsible and to blame?

Well, first, he was the King! He had a lot of power, to say the least, and as Spider-Man reminds us, “with much power, comes much responsibility.”

If soldiers greedily and gladly follow their King into an unjust war, all here sin, but the greater sin is, to be sure, the King’s. In like fashion, even if Bathsheba had found herself enjoying being in the King’s presence, David certainly would bear guilt for that too (even attempting to seduce her, would, of course, be sin!). Again, even if this had been true about Bathsheba, her sin, relatively speaking, was not the issue. I certainly had no trouble just focusing on David when I did this video covering the story for my class.


(and, btw, ultimately, when we sin, we all follow the Prince of this world, and woe to anyone through whom the things that cause people to stumble come… )

Second, it seems to me that another completely reasonable interpretation about why only David’s sin is mentioned—nay, the more likely one—is because the book was about the kings, and particularly a king, David.

And this is verified by the fact that the assertion was made that David raped. To put it bluntly, this isn’t about Bathsheba. I agree with Jonathan Petzold, who said “I’ve seen this debate pop up before. I guess I fail to see why this matters? The biblical narrative keeps it focused on David and his wrongdoing (and forgiveness). What theological point are we going to take away from figuring out whether Bathsheba was guilty?” My guess is that Bathsheba’s comments would only be on the radar insofar as they tell us more about what is going on with David….

Her story is not the point of the story.


That is why “the thing David did had displeased the Lord…” and why we ultimately hear: “why have you despised the Word of Yahweh?”


In the end, I’d say that this is a more traditional way of looking at things—the one I can really respect.

Again, let me repeat:

Whether or not David raped Bathsheba is neither here nor there for me. I don’t know and I don’t think the text tells me. It doesn’t affect my faith in Christ at all.

All this said, that does not mean that I, for one, am ready to fully endorse the following Christological interpretation of the 6th century Christian Gregory the Great, which certainly assigns different significance to the events (in yes, a disturbing way…):

“For who, that hears of it, not only among believers but of unbelievers themselves also, does not utterly loathe this, that David walking upon his solar lusteth after Beershebah the wife of Uriah?  Yet when he returns back from the battle, he bids him go home to wash his feet.  Whereupon he answered at once, The Ark of the Lord abideth in tents, shall I then take rest in my house? [2 Sam. 11, 11]  David received him to his own board, and delivers to him letters, through which he must die.  But of whom does David walking upon his solar bear a figure, saving of Him, concerning Whom it is written, He hath set his tabernacle in the sun? [Ps. 19, 4. Vulg.]  And what else is it to draw Beersheba to himself, but to join to Himself by a spiritual meaning the Law of the formal letter, which was united to a carnal people?  For Beersheba is rendered ‘the seventh well,’ assuredly, in that through the knowledge of the Law, with spiritual grace infused, perfect wisdom is ministered unto us.  And whom does Uriah denote, but the Jewish people, whose name is rendered by interpretation, ‘My light from God?’  Now forasmuch as the Jewish people is raised high by receiving the knowledge of the Law, it as it were glories ‘in the light of God.’  But David took from this Uriah his wife, and united her to himself, surely in that the strong-handed One, which is the rendering of ‘David,’ our Redeemer, shewed Himself in the flesh, whilst He made known that the Law spake in a spiritual sense concerning Himself, Hereby, that it was held by them after the letter, He proved it to be alienated from the Jewish people, and joined it to Himself, in that He declared Himself to be proclaimed by it.  Yet David bids Uriah ‘go home to wash his feet,’ in that when the Lord came Incarnate, He bade the Jewish people turn back to the home of the conscience, and wipe off with their tears the defilements of their doings, that it should understand the precepts of the Law in a spiritual sense, and finding the fount of Baptism after the grievous hardness of the commandments, have recourse to water after toil.  But Uriah, who recalled to mind that the ark of the Lord was under tents, answered, that he could not enter into his house.  As if the Jewish people said, I view the precepts of God in carnal sacrifices, and I need not to go back to the conscience in following a spiritual meaning.  For he, as it were, declares ‘the ark of the Lord to be under tents,’ who views the precepts of God as designed for no other end than to shew forth a service of carnal sacrifice.  Yet when he would not return home, David even bids him to his table, in that though the Jewish people disdain to return home into the conscience, yet the Redeemer at His coming avouches the commandments to be spiritual, saying, For had ye believed Moses, ye would  [Vulg. would perchance] have believed Me: for he wrote of Me. [John 5, 46]  And thus the Jewish people holds that Law, which tells of His Divinity, whereunto that people deigns not to give credence.  And hence Uriah is sent to Joab with letters, according to which he is to be put to death, in that the Jewish people bears itself the Law, by whose convicting testimony it is to die.  For whereas holding fast the commandments of the Law it strives hard to fulfil them, clearly it does itself deliver the judgment whereupon it is condemned.  What, then, in respect of the fact, is more foul than David?  What can be named purer than Uriah?  What again in respect of the mystery can be discovered holier than David, what more faithless than Uriah?  Since the one by guiltiness of life prophetically betokens innocency, and the other by innocency of life prophetically represents guilt.  Wherefore it is with no inaptitude that by the things that are well done by the friends of Job we have represented to us those to be done amiss by heretics, in that it is the excellency of Holy Writ so to relate the past as to set forth the future; in such wise to vindicate the case in the fact, that it is against it in the mystery; so to condemn the things done, that they are commended to us as fit to be done in the way of mystery.”



[i] Did the cultural context expect this kind of thing? Well, even if this was the case, and such an event could have been legal in some ancient cultures, this was clearly not the case in Israel.


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Posted by on October 11, 2019 in Uncategorized


Guard the Good Deposit, the One Treasure Above Them All

In what way is the Bible like the Ring of Power?


“…do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord… What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 14 Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

–2 Tim 1:8, 13-14


Brothers and sisters in Christ!

Here the Apostle Paul talks about successfully guarding the pattern of sound teaching he passes on.

That will involve some successful management, some measure of control…

And here, we might ask: “Is life, at least life for grown-ups, just about control? Having power? Getting power?”

It sometimes seems like that, doesn’t it?

Or, if people are not trying to gain power and control, maybe they just want to burn it all down…. Really stick it to “the man” anyway they can…

Wherever we turn these days, matters of power and control seem to be on people’s minds more and more…

Certainly, this is always a key issue in the political realm, and things seem to be ramping up in this regard. Polarization increasing the stakes.

In academia and even popular culture, the impression is given that most all analysis is done by viewing things through one lens: the lens of power and oppression.

Almost as if every moral question of life can be reduced to this!

There is an axis with oppression on one side and power on the other – I have in mind a picture I saw illustrating axes of privilege, domination, and oppression – and that’s basically it.[i]

Some have even provocatively commented that people these days sometimes have incentives to compete over who just might be the biggest victim.

The information we consume in our media has progressively fled from notions of objectivity and impartiality – even if some are loathe to admit this – and now accusations of “fake news” appear across the political spectrum,  as persons seemingly use words as best they can to win

…for worldly gain.

And here is a thought:

In this context, how might we interpret the popular statement “knowledge is power”?


My vocation of academic librarianship is interesting in this regard.

Some in my profession continue to say reasonable-sounding things like: “[people] come to libraries seeking information that will help them create knowledge. They do not want misinformation or disinformation; they do not want to be deceived”.

On the other hand, I read others insisting that “power operates through knowledge production”, “knowledge production is […] historically situated and embedded in power relations” and its production “never occurs outside power relations”.

That idea sounds complicated, but maybe it really isn’t. Maybe its as simple as what another academic librarian says:

“its not even so much that knowledge is power, but “it’s more reflective of reality to say, ‘Power is knowledge'”.

Power is knowledge.

Cue the great contemporary philosopher Richard Rorty, now deceased: “Truth is what our peers will let us get away with saying.”

Rorty thought that was a good thing. For many an elite contemporary person then, knowledge and truth aren’t strictly related. Don’t necessarily go together.

Knowledge is “knowledge” [in quotes]…

Whatever words and skills that you pick up – and that you can employ — to get the job you and others want done done – that is ultimately what is important.[ii]

Do you see how the role of things like facts (“facts” in quotes) diminishes here?

What is important is that there are only other persons who exercise power over their circumstances, their worlds, and who trust each other or not.

We might say this is knowledge as conceivable, useful, trust.

Do you see why I am bringing this up?

People who have this view–even unconsciously–are definitely going to struggle with the Apostle Paul’s idea of “the pattern of sound teaching [or words]”

Why? Because the meaning of words changes and can change. Because all things, after all, evolve.

Radical transformation – not necessarily understood in a Christian sense – is what life is all about!

Even human nature is fluid…. Authors from the past die and we move on, radically reinterpreting their words for our era.

For the world, if there is a movement of the Spirit, it is about changing what has been considered “natural” and changing the future – not “tradition” in any sense!


In Christianity, on the other hand, knowledge can be said to be power as well, but for a very, very different reason.

Knowledge is power because our understanding of knowledge is that it is not just conceivable useful trust but justified, true, belief.

If we do not believe something, it cannot be knowledge that we personally possess.

If we sincerely believe that something is true but it is false–it is not –this can hardly be called knowledge.

Finally, knowledge is something that can be justified – believing something is warranted because good evidence and reasons can be given…

This is the classical definition of knowledge, and goes hand in hand with the Christian faith.

It doesn’t matter if your words “work” for the goals that you try to reach.

If Christ is not raised – really raised from the dead! – all your words and works are ultimately in vain!

Sometimes well-meaning Christians say we uphold Scripture and not tradition. This though, is misled.

We do uphold traditions not contrary to Scripture—and our greatest tradition is Scripture itself, and the greatest content of the Scriptures is the Gospel.

“I am certain… I am confident. I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.”

So, like the runner in the relay race, pass on the baton.


Today, in the world, as has always been the case, there is a battle for men’s souls.

Stories like Harry Potter, the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, and the Lord of the Rings are right. It is all about good vs. evil.

Behind the veil, there is a spiritual war between light and darkness.

But don’t be afraid, because knowledge is power.

And as the Apostle Paul describes in his letter to Timothy, your power is through the Holy Spirit who creates a new man, an “inner man,” in us….

He does this through the Word of God, through the Scriptures, our great treasure.

In some – but certainly not in all ways! – this treasure, this jewel, is similar to the Great Ring of Power in the Lord of Rings….

[I am hoping and trusting here that most all of you are familiar with that plot element in the Lord of the Rings – or at least the Hobbit!]

Of course, in many ways it is not like the ring of power

-The Scriptures were not forged by the Dark Lord and need to be destroyed!

-The Scriptures are no talisman that we can somewhat control, that bows to our desires. They do not have power by means of their being effective rhetoric or magic incantations, but because they give us truth:

Of who God is and what He has done.

Of who man is, what he should be, and what, in fact, he has done.

And what God has done in history through Jesus Christ.

-Finally, many do have much knowledge about the Scriptures, but miss the core, the plot, the heart.

As Jesus said to the Pharisees who opposed him: “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me…”

So, there are many ways that the Ring of Power is not like our Jewel, our Treasure, the Scriptures.

But I still bring up this comparison after much thought.

We must, after all, be as wise as serpents…

So, in what way is the Bible is like that One Ring to Rule them all? The Ring of Power?

Well, we are talking about the Word of God… This is something that has authority over us, compels us, and guides us.

And there is power.

You know every knee will bow, right?…

Yes, I know there are many temptations.

You tell me you’ve heard that the Scriptures are old?

That they have been discredited or are irrelevant?

That there is, at least, all kinds of reasons to doubt them?

That it just “contains” the “Word of God” – which is perhaps just the tender and gentle stuff about Jesus?

I’ll say this as gently as I can: you’ve been lied too.

The Bible is the word of God.

Read. Learn. Inwardly digest.

This jewel, this treasure comes as a whole. It is not a necklace where we can get rid of some of the beads we don’t like, for example.

It is the jewel, the tradition, that must be handed on at all costs….

It is not so much “Scripture or Tradition” or “Scripture and Tradition”: again, the Scriptures are basically the Tradition that has been handed down….


Still, in spite of my clarifications about this ring, I don’t doubt some of you here may nevertheless be disturbed by what I’m saying.

Didn’t Luther throw out the book of James and Revelation? Who is this guy? Who has transplanted him from the Middle Ages to here?

Preacher, don’t you know the Bible not only tells us about Jesus, but is full of some other more questionable things as well?






Don’t you know we are Americans?

  • I mean, yes, I know in the Gospel reading for the day it talks about how a Master just expects his servant to do what he asks and the servant seems to think even a Good Master should do this, but… But we don’t believe this quite the same way today.
  • We certainly don’t think fear should ever be a component of how anyone is “ruled”! We don’t think that really has a place anymore. Things like the death penalty, for example, don’t belong in this world….
  • Biblical ideas like headship we know lead to abuse. We like it when everyone is equal in every single way! We like it when people are free! We like harmony! – when we can get lost in the music with those of like-mind!

Haven’t you felt the power of the crowd? Haven’t you lost yourself in the excitement, gotten taken up into something that is bigger than yourself?

Don’t you like that, want that, too?


Well, no. Tempted sometimes though.

I do have an alternative that I find compelling however

It’s called the Christian church, and while its patriarchs and matriarchs don’t rule like the rulers of the world, they have guarded and passed down the sacred treasure.

The sacred jewel.

Do not be deceived brothers and sisters!

Stir up the fireplace! Now! Do not let the flame go out!

You have not been given timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, of self-discipline….

The sinful world wants a lot of things, and in many of the things it wants, there are echoes of good.

It wants unity! It wants harmony! It wants equality! It wants justice! It wants freedom!

It wants everyone to feel good about who they are and their neighbors as well. It wants, as the commercial said, to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony…

In a sense, it is good and right to want all of these things.

That said, there is mass confusion about what these things ultimately look like, and how one can achieve them.

It doesn’t matter if you have the impression your words “work” for the goals that you try to reach.

Rhetoric without truth dies.

Again, if Christ is not raised – really raised! – all your words and works are in vain!

Satan loves all this confusion by the way.

And he hates the clear Gospel and that you have it.

He hates that men like Luther didn’t really throw out the book of James and Revelation, but rightly pointed out their relative importance compared with books like John and Romans…

He absolutely hates most all what Martin Luther did, bringing out the stark clarity of the situation he found himself in….

He hates that Luther was “mean” and didn’t care if persons didn’t like him because of the message he preached.

He hates that Luther clearly revealed his, Satan’s, hand….


I don’t want to give the impression that I think Martin Luther always handled things perfectly.

“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus…”

It is true that “faith and love” are to form the atmosphere, so to speak, in which the “sound words” are to be preserved.

That said, let us not forget the battle we are in, the need for tough love…. and the admonition to be as wise as serpents.

A little parable to share….

I read it about three weeks ago, and I think it is particularly appropriate to our day and age…


“Once upon a time, there were 10 brothers who were charged with guarding a gem the king had given to their village — a beautiful stone that promised them the king’s favor and protection.

When charging the brothers to secure this precious gem, the king gave them clear instructions:

“My enemy will constantly be scheming to take this gem away from you. He will threaten you with violence.

He will mock you and turn your friends against you. He will try to convince you the gem is not really yours or you don’t really need it.

But no matter what approach he uses, don’t fall for his tricks.”

One day, the king’s enemy approached the 10 brothers with a small army behind him.

“I imagine you’ve come here to steal our gem,” the oldest brother said.

“Absolutely not,” the enemy insisted. “I think it’s wonderful that you have it. I just hate to see the way your brother is using the gem.

His tone is always abrasive and arrogant when he talks about protecting it.

It gives the rest of you a bad name. Dismiss him from his post guarding the gem, and my army will leave you alone.”

The oldest brother always found his youngest sibling a bit irritating and embarrassing, so he considered this a no-brainer and immediately gave the enemy what he asked.

A week later, the enemy returned with his army, now claiming he had problems with the second-youngest brother.

“This guy has been saying the gem doesn’t belong to certain people in the village, people he doesn’t like. This is unloving and cruel. Disavow him too, and we’ll be friends.”

The oldest brother wasn’t especially fond of that brother either, so he once again gave the enemy what he wanted.

But week after week, the enemy kept returning and asking for the oldest brother to separate himself from another one of his brothers until, eventually, the oldest brother stood alone — the sole remaining guardian of the gem.

Seeing that the man now had no one left to defend him, the enemy walked up to the oldest brother, whispered, “You fell for it,” into his ear, stabbed him through the heart, and walked away with the gem.

The writer of this “parable of the guardians” explains:

The king is Christ. The gem is, [ultimately,] his salvation.

The brothers are Christians. The enemy is the devil, and his army is the mob of anti-Christian voices in the world.

And the moral of the story is this: No matter what they say, the devil and this world won’t be content until they’ve taken Christ’s salvation away from you.

So don’t throw your fellow believers under the bus to escape persecution. All you’ll do is hasten your demise.”


You see, first the world tells you they don’t like the way you say it.

Then, you discover that they simply don’t like what you say….

Folks, I forgot to tell you one other way the Scriptures and the Gospel it contains is unlike the Ring of Power.

We are told of it (as least according to the movie version), as regards the story of the Ring  “some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend, legend became myth… the Ring passed out of all knowledge”

Well, at least since the time of the Exodus, the message of God’s Promised Messiah and His glorious rule has never been widely lost.[iii]

And now, in these last days, it is even clearer:

This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 10 but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel

A pattern of very, very sound words!

Merry Christmas!

These are life giving words!

Be encouraged brothers and sisters! Do not let things like suffering and persecution in the world discourage you – or slow you down…

When Paul encourages Timothy, he brings up how his faithful mother and grandmothers passed on the faith to him. As one ancient commentator (Theodoret) put, it, “nothing helps like a domestic example”.

That, is true. I remember when I was a teacher in Slovakia for two years, hearing the stories of the serious Lutherans who had come through communism because of faithful grandmothers who taught them.

Thanks be to God for faithful traditioners such as these!

Be faithful to God’s word. Be faithful to your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pass The Message On.

Realize that the best way to guard the faith is not to play defense, but to go on the offensive. To learn it, to inwardly digest it, and to proclaim it.

This is not something that you can do in your own strength, but with the strength God provides: “Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us…”

By grace through faith, not by works…Christ has been crucified for your sins, and by His work has overcome the world!

He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

The same yesterday, today, and forever!

The victor over sin, death, and the devil.

And the King will return, to set all things right.

So, by His Holy Spirit

….we will Guard the Good Deposit, the One Treasure Above Them All.


Updated version of this sermon preached at Clam Falls on Oct. 2, 2022:


[ii] Here, the best kind of competence will not have to do with things like know how to fix cars, for example, but will reveal “hierarchies of domination” and explore how they can be overturned and neutralized… That really, is the main thing that will work…

[iii] Some of you might think of the Denzel Washington movie the “Book of Eli” as well….

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Posted by on October 9, 2019 in Uncategorized